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2693,75 kr

accusonus drumatom² Bundle, Microphone Bleed Reducer and Plug-in (Download), Software bundle consisting of accusonus drumatom² and drumatom² player, Software for reducing crosstalk between microphone channels in drum recordings, Easy operation via Focus and Fine Tune parameter, Customised algorithms for kick, snare, hi-hat and tom-tom, Copy/Paste function for quick and easy exchange between analysis groups, Bleed reduction on a tonal basis instead of amplitude reference, Simple and intuitive user interface, Automatically searches for the correct algorithm based on the track name, Visualisation of the reduction, Supports WAV and AIFF files (CAF Apple only) 16, 24, and 32-bit, as well as 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, and 192 kHz sample rates