All surviving episodes - comprising the entire third and final season - of the 1970s ITV family drama series following the exploits of Tarot the Magician (Michael MacKenzie) and his assistant Lulli (Judy Loe), as they solve a series of mysteries, both natural and supernatural. Assisting them is Mr. Sweet, an antiquarian bookseller with a remarkable store of scientific knowledge. Episodes are: 'The Meddlers (Part 1)', 'The Meddlers (Part 2)', 'The Meddlers (Part 3)', 'The Power of Atep (Part 1)', 'The Power of Atep (Part 2)', 'The Power of Atep (Part 3)', 'The Power of Atep (Part 4)', 'Peacock Pie (Part 1)', 'Peacock Pie (Part 2)', 'Peacock Pie (Part 3)', 'Mama Doc (Part 1)', 'Mama Doc (Part 2)', 'Mama Doc (Part 3)', 'Sisters Deadly (Part 1)', 'Sisters Deadly (Part 2)', 'Sisters Deadly (Part 3)', 'The Beautiful People (Part 1)', 'The Beautiful People (Part 2)', 'The Beautiful People (Part 3)' and 'The Beautiful People (Part 4)'.