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Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students aims to present a clear discussion of the research methods employed in various disciplines related to our daily life problems. The theoretical basis of research methods is explained clearly and succinctly. Collecting data is a key part of the book and this includes both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each method. 

The book also describes in clear terms how students can analyse data, interpret results and link these to the literature review and hence their own contribution. It sets out a range of fundamental ideas in research methods, such as deductivism and inductivism, and explains why methodology is not the same as method.

In this second edition every chapter has been re-written to be more readable and also to include more examples. The authors have also added a real student research proposal and a multiple-choice test with answers for the readers to test their own understanding of the ideas in the book. The book has been designed to illustrate research tools in a clear and accessible manner through chapters on such topics as formulating research, research design, data analysis and writing up the research results.