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119,00 kr

All six episodes of the TV drama starring Arthur Lowe as a maths teacher at a boy's preparatory school, the 'Dad's Army' star's final major role before his death in April 1982. A.J. Wentworth (Lowe) has no shortage of problems to deal with in his capacity as Mathematics Master at Burgrove Preparatory School. As well as an unruly class of children to deal with, Wentworth is continually at loggerheads with the school's headmaster, Reverend R.G. Saunders (Harry Andrews), and the domineering Matron (Marion Mathie). The episodes are: 'A Day in the Life of...', 'Mud Larks', 'Problems, Problems', 'IIIA Goes to War', 'Founder's Day' and 'The Outsider'.