Alfred Music Publishing Instrum.Play Along: Hobbit Cl.
Alfred Music Publishing Hobbit Trilogy Clarinet, Songbook for clarinet, Average difficulty, ISBN 978-1-4706-3456-2, 43 pages, With Play-Along-CD@+*Included:*@+@+, My Dear Frodo, Old Friends, Ax or Sword?, The Adventure Begins, Warg-scouts, A Good Omen, Song of the Lonely Mountain, Dreaming of Bag End, A Very Respectable Hobbit, Erebor, The Dwarf Lords, Beorn, The Woodland Realm, Feast of Starlight, Bard and Family, Lake-town, Girion and Bard, House of Durin, Smaug, I See Fire, Beyond the Forest, The Gathering of the Clouds, Mithril, Sons of Durin, The Return Journey, The Last Goodbye, Iron Foot