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233,75 kr

Alfred Music Publishing Kino Kino, Songbook for Piano, By Robert Francis, Easy to intermediate arrangements for piano solo, With background information about the films and their music, With playing tips for the arrangements, ISBN 978-3-943638-87-5, 51 pages, In *German* language, With CD@+*Songs:*@+@+, My Heart Will Go On (from ""Titanic""), The Entertainer (from ""The Clou""), The boat, The Pink Panther (from ""The Pink Panther""), Ghostbusters, The Raider's March (from ""Indiana Jones and the Hunters of the Lost Ark""), He's A Pirate (from ""Pirates of the Caribbean""), Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain (from ""The Fabulous World of Amélie""), Mad World (from ""Donnie Darko"")