All 12 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the manga by Kozue Amano. The story follows Futaba Ooki (voice of Ai Kayano) as she finds a new friendship and hobby with scuba diver Hikari Kohinata (Eri Suzuki). The episodes are: 'The Story of One Summer Night and a Confession', 'The Story of Midsummer and Sparkling Eyes', 'The Story of the Pro and the Expert of Happiness', 'The Story of Autumn and a Tender Happiness', 'The Story of the Jet-Black Mermaid and the Solitude of 18m Under', 'The Story of a Halloween Night's Dream', 'The Story of the Neverending School Festival', 'The Story of Fleeting, Unfulfilled Desires', 'The Story of Tears and an Endless Dream', 'The Story of a New Beginning and New Feelings', 'The Story of Cold, Flames and Well Wishes' and 'The Story of Futile Possibilities'.