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Suicide is not merely the act of an individual; it always has an effecton others and can even increase the risk of suicide in the bereaved.The International Association for Suicide Prevention, the WorldHealth Organisation, and others have recognized postvention as animportant strategy for suicide prevention. This unique andcomprehensive handbook, authored by nearly 100 internationalexperts, including researchers, clinicians, support group facilitators,and survivors, presents the state-of-the-art in suicide bereavementsupport.The first part examines the key concepts and the processes thatthe bereaved experience and illustrates them with illuminatingclinical vignettes. The second and third parts look in detail at suicidesupport in all the most relevant settings (including general practices,the workplace, online and many others) as well as in specific groups(such as health care workers).In the concluding section, the support provided for thosebereaved by suicide in no less than 23 countries is explored in detail,showing that postvention is becoming a worldwide strategy forsuicide prevention.These chapters provide useful lessons andinspiration for extending and improving postvention in new andexisting areas. This unique handbook is thus essential reading foranyone involved in suicide prevention or postvention research andpractice.