The Miroirs Étendus Company is a strong proponent of open-minded creation with a focus on the audience. Throughout this amazing album, they follow a sensitive line of thought. From Wagner to contemporary music, through to Debussy, the young composer Othman Louati gives this fascinating program an atmosphere of extraordinary gentleness, admirably served by the voice of Marie-Laure Garnier. This year, Marie-Laure Garnier has been awarded the Révélation Lyrique de l’Année (Opera Discovery of the Year Prize) at the Victoires de la Musique Classique (Classical Music Awards). She began her artistic journey in Guyanaand then at the CRR in Paris. In 2009, she joined Malcolm Walker’s opera singing class at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris (Paris Conservatoire). Following brilliant studies resulting in a Prize for Singing, she obtained a Degree in Artistic Performance, as well as a Master’s Degree in chamber music.