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9298,00 kr 7903,00 kr

        Armada Declivity 102 Ti m/binding   With the hard-charging all-mtn skier in mind, the Declivity 102Ti took the full-throttle thought process of the Declivity X and applied it to a versatile chassis, specifically built to mixed conditions. A full AR100 sidewall, Articulated Titanal Banding, a light-weight Caruba core, and triaxial glass produce a ski that is incredibly powerful and perfectly damp; but doesn’t carry weight. A fine-tuned flex profile and a modernized shape create a performance driven all-mtn ski that can hold its own all over, with no speed limit attached. Vi tilbyr Armada declivity 102 Ti med standard alpinbinding for kjøring over hele fjellet. For mer informasjon om produktene, se under "Tilpass" lengre ned på siden.