Bamberger, J. Michael RealWorld Evaluation (1544318782)
RealWorld Evaluation: Working Under Budget, Time, Data, and Political Constraints addresses the challenges of conducting program evaluations in real-world contexts where evaluators and their clients face budget and time constraints. The text is organized around the authors’ seven-step model that has been tested in workshops and practice environments to help the evaluation implementers and managers make the best choices when faced with real world constraints.
New to this edition:
- A new chapter focusing on gender equality and women’s empowerment provides an overview of approaches for assessing program impacts and helping readers achieve a conceptual understanding of these issues.
- Coverage of Digital technology and Data science is now included to explore the opportunities and challenges in building bridges between data scientists and development evaluators and offer insights on ethical and responsible data practices.
- Increased coverage of themes regarding complexity, emergence, issue of agency, and implications of equity has been added throughout.
- Equity issues are discussed throughout to emphasize the need for a complexity-focused evaluation methodology and expand readers’ knowledge of these programs.