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La Biblia perdida es un thriller trepidante y adictivo, cuya acci n vertiginosa y giros inesperados arrastran al lector en un pasado hist rico que se desvela antes nuestros ojos rico de v vidos detalles.

El m s oculto de los secretos est a punto de ver la luz y la conspiraci n que lo protege desde hace quinientos a os va a ser finalmente desenmascarada.

El profesor Charles Baker viaja a Sighisoara, en Ruman a, la ciudad donde naci el m tico conde Dr cula, para asistir a una conferencia de los m s famosos historiadores del mundo. Sin embargo, su verdadero prop sito es otro: Baker se ha aventurado hasta el coraz n de Transilvania para investigar el paradero de su abuelo, un coleccionista de antiguas y preciadas reliquias, misteriosamente desaparecido mientras buscaba una valiosa espada.

Pero cuando tres cad veres que parecen haber sido vampirizados son hallados con la tarjeta de Charles Baker a modo de aviso, sus planes sufren un giro radical. Baker se ver envuelto en una conspiraci n a escala mundial, cuyos or gines se remontan al a o 1455 alrededor de un secreto que el mismo conde Vlad III ocult en el primer libro impreso de la Historia, la Biblia de Gutenberg.


The Lost Bible is a chilling, addictive thriller, whose dizzying action and unexpected twists drag the reader through a historical past that unveils itself before our eyes, rich with vivid details. The most hidden secret of all is about to be revealed and the 500-year-old conspiracy to protect it will finally be exposed.

Professor Charles Baker travels to Sighisoara, Romania, the city where the mythical Count Dracula was born, to attend a conference of the world's most famous historians. However, he has a ulterior motive: Baker has traveled to the heart of Transylvania to investigate the whereabouts of his grandfather, a collector of antiques and precious relics, who disappeared mysteriously while searching for a valuable sword. But when three bodies that appear to have been attacked by a vampire are found with Charles Baker's card as a warning, his plans take a radical twist. Baker finds himself involved in a worldwide conspiracy whose origins go back to the year 1455, around a secret that Count Vlad III hid in the first print book in history, the Gutenberg Bible.