Berk, Joseph Cost Reduction and Optimization for Manufacturing and Industrial Companies (0470609575)
Focuses on rapid implementation of practical, real-world costreduction solutions In today's economic climate, the need to cut costs can be thedifference between success and failure. Cost Reduction andOptimization for Manufacturing and Industrial Companies coversall major cost reduction areas, providing easy to read examples andadvice on steps to take. It provides the roadmap for implementingrecommended actions with true and tried methods by taking a modern,all-inclusive look at manufacturing processes. Based on theauthor's cost reduction experience gained during 30 years of senioroperations and consulting engagements with hundreds oforganizations, this book includes easy-to-understand andeasy-to-implement cost reduction concepts organized into fivegeneral areas --labor, material, design, process, and overhead. Each chapter: Dives into a cost reduction area and starts with the bottom linefirst by summarizing key points Provides proven tactics for cutting costs without a lot ofextraneous data Follows a qualitative and design-oriented approach Emphasizes quick implementation and measurable costreduction Identifies who in the organization should do the work Outlines risks and suggested risk mitigation actions Contains numerous tables, graphs, and photos to show theconcepts described in the book Praise for Cost Reduction and Optimization forManufacturing and Industrial Companie s 'In this introductory book, Berk not only takes a modern,all-inclusive look at manufacturing processes but also providessubstantial coverage of engineering materials and productionsystems. It follows a more qualitative and design-oriented approachthan other texts in the market, helping readers gain a betterunderstanding of important concepts. They'll also discover howmicro-economic conditions relate to the process variables in agiven process as well as how to perform manufacturing science andquantitative engineering analysis of manufacturingprocesses.' Fred Silverman , Director Engineering of Hi-ShearTechnology Corporation 'Joe Berk has created a unique, practical and straightforwardapproach to cost reduction in manufacturing. This work providesvaluable insights and concrete techniques, based on real-worldexperiences, to any manufacturing organization undertaking changeto position itself to compete successfully in the globalmarketplace.' Joe Carleone , President and COO of American PacificCorporation Checkout author Joseph Berk's blog at