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8995,00 kr

Når du trenger tilgang til hele ruteren uten å ofre hastigheten, lar Videohub Master Control Pro deg bla i ruterens kilder og destinasjoner med den enkle å bruke eller via direkte knappinnføring. Du kan til og med se alle ruter på LCD-skjermen. Strøm via DC eller Ethernet-tilkobling  EthernetRJ45 Ethernet In and Out. Power over ethernet supported on Ethernet In. No power over ethernet on Ethernet Out.RS-422In and Out (for future implementation)Computer InterfaceUSB-C for configuration and software updates.Power100 - 240 ACHardware Control21 assignable buttons with scroll wheel for fast selection of source and destination. LCD information screen.Internal SoftwareInternal Software upgrade via included firmware updater application via USB or ethernet.Operating SystemsMac 10.13 High Sierra,Mac 10.14 Mojave or later.Windows 10.Physical Installation1 rack unit size. Less than 3 inches deep.Button ConfigurationIncluded free for Windows™ and Mac™ via USB 2.0high speed (480Mb/s) interface.Power RequirementsPower Fail RequirementsButton configurations and router communication preserved and restored instantly at power on. Button configuration can also be saved for later recall.Power SupplyInternal 100 - 240 V ACPhysical SpecificationsEnvironmental SpecificationsOperating temperature0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F)Storage temperature-20° to 45° C (-4° to 113° F)Relative Humidity0% to 90% non-condensingWhat's IncludedVideohub Master Control ProWarranty12 Months Limited Warranty.