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1516,00 kr

The first edition of Gerald Bradley's Benefit Realisation Management quickly established itself as the definitive, practical guide to using measures to track performance throughout the life of a project or programme; enabling organisations to eliminate wasted investment, realise more benefits and realise them earlier. The second edition takes you step-by-step through the benefits realisation process, explaining along the way, how to: * define your projects and programmes by mapping the benefits * produce a convincing and accurate business case * communicate the benefits and get all your stakeholders on board * agree the measures you will use to encourage the desired behaviours, to monitor progress and to assess the ultimate success of the project or programme * use the benefits realisation approach to understand and address the human aspects of the project, including resistance to change, training needs and new ways of working * integrate this approach into your organisation's culture and systems The second edition includes expanded guidance on benefits realisation for portfolio management and includes revisions to the original text along with additional case study examples. The text of the latest edition is now printed in four-colour which make the detailed and varied benefit maps throughout the text immediately more striking and comprehensible. The benefits realisation management methodology fits closely with existing programme and project management approaches such as MSP and Prince 2, making it appropriate for both public and private sector environments. If you are investing heavily in change management, IT infrastructure or project working, then this book is a must-read that will justify its price many times over.