Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat (BMI) 70 Years of Art in Architecture in Germany (3422986235)
In 1950, the obligatory participation of visual artists in state building measures at home and abroad was decreed in the German Bundestag as well as in the parliament of the GDR. Over a period of 70 years, numerous artworks that reflect the politics, society, and architecture as well as the tasks of institutions have been created. The book sheds light on the significance and potentials of building-related art for state authorities and institutions, research institutes, military facilities, and German representation around the world. It discusses its specific aspects, like the creation of the works, as well as their maintenance and preservation, and elucidates how close building-related art can be to day-to-day life—as inspiration, statement, and national visiting card that adds value to architecture.