Children Who Chase Lost Voices (UK-import)
Coming of age anime from director Makoto Shinkai following the adventures of a young girl in a mysterious land. Following the recent death of her father and with her mother working long hours, Asuna (voice of Hisako Kanemoto) is a lonely child who spends a great deal of time by herself. When she is out walking one day she is attacked by a strange creature and saved by a mysterious boy called Shun (Miyu Irino). Shun tells Asuna he is from a place called Agartha and is only here to retrieve something. Intrigued, Asuna asks her teacher Mr Morisaki (Kazuhiko Inoue) about Agartha, no sooner has he informed her that it is a land inhabited by spirits and the dead than the pair find themselves swept away to Agartha on an adventure.