Chyet, Michael L. FERHENGA BIRÛSKÎ - English-Kurmanji Dictionary - Volume Three (1912997010)
Volume 3 - A-Z; English-Kurmanji. Ferhenga Biruski is the go-to dictionary for Kurmanji Kurdish spoken in parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey while also being common among a large diaspora of Kurds in Europe, North America and elsewhere. This comprehensive Kurmanji-English dictionary is prepared in two volumes by Michael L. Chyet, a renowned linguist with extensive knowledge of the major dialects of Kurdish. This dictionary is an essential reference source for linguists and others interested in Kurdish language and people.'The second edition of my Kurmanji-English dictionary, which I would like to call 'Ferhenga Bir sk ' to honor the memory of my beloved friend and colleague Bir sk Tugan, contains considerably more entries, and in many cases offers fuller information on earlier entries. In addition, I have found and corrected several typographical errors. Moreover, it is to be accompanied by a companion English to Kurdish volume. ...] It is my goal to accurately reflect the language as it exists today.'