Cleveland Wedge CBX2 Stål
Cleveland CBX2 Real change requires a new perspective. So we took the rulebook, written during our 40 years of short game leadership, and we tossed it. And when we looked at modern wedge design with new, fresh eyes, we saw a massive flaw staring us square in the face. Wedges are stuck in decade’s old tradition. Designing for the game’s best players is a top down approach that serves the few at the expense of so many. But visit your municipal courses or your local practice centers and you won’t find a single Tour Pro. Instead, you’ll meet the millions of serious yet ordinary players who define golf. These golfers care deeply about the clubs in their bag, and yet, today’s wedges don’t meet their needs. Instead, every Spring, they watch the parade of slim, heavy, unforgiving blades come to market. So we’re changing that. The Cleveland CBX 2 is a forgiving, cavity back wedge that also provides all the versatility most golfers need. It’s right for you because it was made for you, exclusively. And it’s changing everything—changing wedge design forever.