Corsair - DARK CORE RGB PRO - Trådløs Gaming Mus
Corsair Dark Core RGB Pro hjelper deg å vinne uten kabler! Teknisk info: Mouse Warranty: Two years Prog Buttons: 8 DPI: 18,000 DPI Sensor: PAW3392 Sensor Type: Optical Mouse Backlighting: 9 Zone RGB On Board Memory: Yes On-board Memory Profiles: 3 Mouse button Type: Omron Mouse Button Durability: 50M L/R Click Connectivity: Wireless, Wired Grip Type: Palm Weight Tuning: No Weight: 133g (w/out cable and accessories) Cable: 1.8m Braided Fiber CUE Software: Supported in iCUE Game Type: FPS, MOBA Report Rate: Selectable 1000Hz/2000Hz Battery Life: 2.4GHz SLIPSTREAM: Up to 16hrs with standard lighting or 36hrs with lighting off BLUETOOTH: Up to 18hrs with standard lighting or 50hrs with lighting off Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium-Polymer