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382,00 kr

Elementary JavaScript is designed to introduce anyone 10 years and up to programming. Follow along as you learn the basic concepts of programming while building parts of a game. By the end of this book, you will have learned the basics of programming and built a Pok mon card game at the same time. This book is based on Sidd's experience teaching his son programming and he thinks anyone can enjoy the unlimited possibilities from knowing how to code. Code opens the doors to all kinds of fun projects. Imagine being able to make the games you play This book will teach you how to think in code, write code that is easy to understand, work with friends on code projects and also what to do once your project is complete.You will be introduced to the latest additions to the JavaScript language that make programming simpler, more efficient and less complicated. This book contains over a 100 screenshots showing every concept and demonstrating every step in action.All the code in the book is beautifully syntax highlighted including showing all the additions (diff highlighting) made while working on the game to make learning easier. The code is fully tested in Chrome, Firefox and Edge. All the code is available online on GitHub. Not only is the code well commented, it is built up step by step and it teaches good organization and commenting practices that will make the code easier to use and read.