De Visscher, Alex Lecture Notes in Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Chemical Reactor Design (1492792640)
Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design is one of the key courses in any academic Chemical Engineering studies, and it is typically offered in the third year of a Chemical Engineering undergraduate program. The main objective of this course is to learn to analyze the performance of chemical reactors, and to design them.This book covers all topics that are taught in an undergraduate course on Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design. Starting from the study of chemical kinetics of homogeneous, noncatalytic systems, the book moves on to heterogeneous catalytic kinetics, enzymatic kinetics, and other complex systems. Armed with this knowledge, the student is taught how to describe batch reactors, continuous stirred-tank reactors, and plug-flow reactors. The book is concluded with a chapter on the determination of reaction kinetics from experimental data, and a chapter introducing advanced reactor design.While analytical solutions to reactor problems are discussed whenever they are relevant, the main focus is on numerical reactor models. All models are freely available either as Matlab code, or as an Excel file, on the series website that can be found at http: //