Detwiller, Dennis The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man: A Dreamlands Campaign for Call of Cthulhu (1940410010)
Welcome to the Land of DreamsFrom a squalid New York drug den to the spectral ruins of Sarkomand . . .From the horrors of the Underworld to the zoog-haunted Enchanted Wood . . .From the twilight city of Inquanok to the endless sunset of Ilek-Vad . . .All the wonders of dream await-and all the terrors of nightmare, too.The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man is a 294-page Call of Cthulhu (Sixth Edition) campaign of adventure, cosmic mystery, and deepest fear set in the Dreamlands of H.P. Lovecraft. The player characters-the Dreamers-explore the breadth of the otherworldly Dreamlands seeking a way back to the lives that they left behind. But can they survive the countless dangers of a world of dream-and the strange emnity of Nyarlathotep, the messenger and soul of the Outer Gods, when they fall under his capricious gaze?Contents: ForewordChapter One: Character CreationChapter Two: Mr. LaoChapter Three: Life In a DreamChapter Four: SarkomandChapter Five: Travel by SeaChapter Six: WanderingChapter Seven: The UnderworldChapter Eight: InquanokChapter Nine: LhoskChapter Ten: Ilek-VadChapter Eleven: SarnathChapter Twelve: UltharChapter Thirteen: Return to EarthAppendix A: New SpellsAppendix B: Prisoners of the Ebony TempleIndexThe Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man is written and illustrated by Origins Award-winning author and artist Dennis Detwiller, with editing and page design by Ennie Award-winning editor Shane Ivey.Steady your nerves, if you can, and close your eyes to the waking world. Sarkomand awaits