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This is the fantasy anthology you've been looking for. Two hundred thousands words that will sweep you away to realms you've never imagined by some of the greatest writers the fantasy field has ever known.

  • Pygmalion's Spectacles by Stanley Weinbaum
  • Lean Times in Lankhmar by Fritz Leiber
  • The Tree of Life by C. L. Moore
  • The Hunt by Steve Rasnic Tem
  • Beyond the Door by Philip K. Dick
  • The Wild One Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • Second Sight Alan E. Nourse
  • Visitors' Night at Joey Chicago's by Mike Resnick
  • The Lost Gods by Dorothy Quick
  • Beyond the Black River Robert E. Howard
  • Show of Shows by Gene Mederos
  • Dream World by R. A. Lafferty
  • The Trader by Nicole Givens Kurtz
  • Subject to Change Ron Goulart
  • Storm over Warlock Andre Norton
  • Witch of the Demon Seas Poul Anderson
  • The Laminated Woman by Evelyn E. Smith
  • The Hunt by Brea Viragh
  • The Salem Horror by Henry Kuttner
  • Shatter the Wall by Sydney Van Scyoc
  • Wizard by Laurence Janifer
  • Famous Dead People by Warren Lapine
  • Warm by Robert Sheckley
  • How the Bells Came from Yang to Hubei by Brenda Clough