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A glance at the history books or the pages of a Dickens novel reminds us how far education has come since the days when pupils sat silently in rows memorising knowledge imparted by the teacher. Learning was passive, and only gender and social class affected provision. In today's schools, using differentiation - the process of modifying a lesson or parts of a lesson for one or some of the learners - so that each individual can achieve their potential is a fundamental part of teaching. The Differentiation Pocketbook is about planning and teaching creative, student-focused lessons where every learner is challenged and supported and where engaged, stimulated and motivated students work in a state of 'flow'. The book begins by defining differentiation, discussing why it matters and exploring how it can promote freedom, enthusiasm and creativity without compromising results. It includes sections on ability, potential and difference; structuring learning; leading learning, groups and grouping; achieving the right balance between challenge and support; assessment and feedback. There are plenty of practical examples of a range of ways to differentiate, eg through task, resource, pace, choice, group work, questioning, extension and enrichment, assessment mode, and outcome. Case studies with liberal use of cartoons, diagrams, mnemonics and other visual devices reinforce the message and fast-track understanding. Author Peter Anstee is an experienced secondary school teacher with whole-school responsibility for staff development and considerable expertise in how to improve teaching and learning.