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There has been a resurgent interest in relationship-based practice and the Care Act 2014 recognises the significance of effective working relationships with service users and carers to ensure a person-centred approach and effective participation and co-production. The Care Act advocates a strengths-based, whole family approach to assessment, care and support planning. Relationship, putting the person at the centre of the process, lies at the heart of this approach.

This book is a practice-based exploration of relationship-based practice for social work with adults that looks at underpinning theory, legislation and policy drivers, value perspectives and skills in practice. The first part of the book introduces relationship-based practice and theoretical concepts, such as psycho-social and psycho-dynamically informed approaches to practice which highlight the complexities of relationships, at conscious and unconscious levels, both from the service user/carer perspective and the professional's perspective, where reflection and use of self are key; it critically explores the legislation and policy context. A conceptual model called IDEAS is introduced which provides a framework for the second part of the book, by breaking down the discussion into relevant practice issues. Here theory, skills and values are applied through case examples to illustrate the efficacy of relationship-based practice across a range of practice settings in social work with adult service users and carers.Â