Do You Love to Be Needed, or Need to Be Loved? (1478791020)
Shari Schreiber learned about healing people by having to surmount her own painful life experiences. Tenacious about her pursuit of wholeness and wellness, she invented tools in her mid-twenties to help her grow beyond mere survival and learn to thrive. She imparted these tools and methods to her clients for eighteen of the twenty-five years she was passionately dedicated to helping others repair themselves. Returning to school at forty-one, she'd hoped to legitimize the talents she'd always had, but found that experience lacking. Ms. Schreiber has not worked as a state-licensed professional, because in her view, 'psychotherapy' or mind work never seemed to resolve or remedy human pain. Her own approach was extremely unconventional, unique and effective in contrast to other forms of intervention, even within the realm of addiction recovery. Having retired from her wellness practice in late 2017, she hopes to publish many more books that might help you gain clarity, wholeness, contentment, inner peace and joy.