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The Lifecycle Trade provides unique insight into the behavior of Super Growth Stocks starting with their initial public offerings (IPOs). Using extensive proprietary research, this practical guide contains never-before-published findings that provide revelatory statistics that can help you learn how to find big, winning stocks early.

Full color charts and graphics for easy reference.

'Which of the following statements are true?
1. 20% of IPOs gain 100% or more within their first year.
2. Over 90% of IPOs eventually trade below their first day low.
They are both true IPOs provide great opportunities, but they are also replete with severe drawdowns that can leave traders with net losses, even for those stocks that are eventual big winners. This succinct volume dispels some of the misconceptions about IPOs and should serve as a useful aid in navigating the treacherous waters of IPO trading and in formulating your own trading plan for these unique stocks.'

-Jack Schwager, Market Wizards, The New Market Wizards, Stock Market Wizards, Hedge Fund Market Wizards, The Little Book of Market Wizards, Market Sense and Nonsense, Schwager on Futures, Getting Started in Technical Analysis, Complete Guide to Mastering the Markets

'As a career futures and forex trader, I have always been intrigued by growth stocks, but never developed the skill to identify the 10X or 20X winners. The Lifecycle Trade is the first book I have read that could help an equities trader gain that skill in a methodical and systematic way. Kudos to the authors for putting a bookend to the earlier works by Peter Lynch.'

-Peter Brandt, Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader, Trading Commodity Futures with Classical Chart Patterns

'A fabulous read for anyone wanting to get an understanding of how to jump on a large, winning IPO and avoid getting ruined by Wall Street's pump-and-dump scheme, which can ruin the average investor.'

-Dan Zanger,, Momentum Masters

'An important idea conveyed by Boboch, Donnelly, Krull, and Daill is that stocks follow a Lifecycle Pattern from IPO-infancy to maturation. Understanding where a stock is in its lifecycle provides important clues as to how to trade and invest.'

-Brett H. Steenbarger, Ph.D. Trading Psychology 2.0, The Daily Trading Coach, The Psychology of Trading, Enhancing Trader Performance, A Trader's Guide to Self-Discipline

'After thirty years of managing money, this book has opened my eyes to new ideas and made me realize that there is always more to learn.'

-James Roppel, Founder and Managing Member, Roppel Capital Management

'As a long-time growth stock advisor, I value research that is based in fact and proven through history to give you an edge. That's just what The Lifecycle Trad