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Why is my plant dying?

Will Creed answers your indoor plant care questions that are not answered anywhere else -- providing real answers to real questions non-professionals have about caring for their plants. Other plant care books perpetuate many of the out-of-date or unrealistic techniques or confusing information that has changed very little over generations.

Included here are specific care requirements for dozens of the most popular house and office plants. Learn to care for your plants properly, from buying the right plant for the right place, to preventing or treating disease.

Don't repot that plant

Repotting is rarely necessary. A plant may seem rootbound-- but it loves its pot just the size it is. It is healthy, it is thriving. Contrary to conventional wisdom, repotting a plant isn't always the answer.

  • Get the light right -- make sure you have the right light intensity available for the particular plant species
  • Learn how much each plant species needs to dry out
  • Learn to prune
  • Learn to identify plant pests and treat them early
  • Don't bother about humidity and fertilizer/plant food