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159,00 kr

Spesialtilpassede stålstendre på 2m for bruk sammen med DreamScreen ProSilence Clips. Du trenger om lag halvparten stålstendre av antallet clips (f.eks. 100 clips = 50 stålstendre á 2m), se beregningsmatrise nedenfor. Vi anbefaler også bruk av DreamScreens egne selvborrende stålskruer, se under tilbehør! As you can see from the above chart, for a room that measures 5m x 4m x 2,5m you would need to purchase: Wall 1 + 2 : 5m x 2,5m = 12,5m2 x 2 = 25m2 Wall 3 + 4 : 4m x 2,5m = 10m2 x 2 = 20m2 Ceiling : 5m x 4m = 20m2 Total # square meter : 75m2, which would require about 167 clips and 167/2= 84 studs . It would always be a good idea to add some clips and studs in case you need to do some small adjustment.