Dreamscreen Prosilence Furring Channel For Wall And Ceiling Detachment 2m
Spesialtilpassede stålstendre på 2m for bruk sammen med DreamScreen ProSilence Clips. Du trenger om lag halvparten stålstendre av antallet clips (f.eks. 100 clips = 50 stålstendre á 2m), se beregningsmatrise nedenfor. Vi anbefaler også bruk av DreamScreens egne selvborrende stålskruer, se under tilbehør! As you can see from the above chart, for a room that measures 5m x 4m x 2,5m you would need to purchase: Wall 1 + 2 : 5m x 2,5m = 12,5m2 x 2 = 25m2 Wall 3 + 4 : 4m x 2,5m = 10m2 x 2 = 20m2 Ceiling : 5m x 4m = 20m2 Total # square meter : 75m2, which would require about 167 clips and 167/2= 84 studs . It would always be a good idea to add some clips and studs in case you need to do some small adjustment.