Dumenko, Larisa Space. Earth. Human.: New Views on Science (171122121X)
DR. ALEXANDER GEORGIEVICH PARKHOMOV graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, then he worked at the Department of Radiation Physics of this institute, studying radiation from nuclear reactors. He led a research group at the Moscow Aviation Institute, which studied the properties of ultra-low energy neutrinos, which have completely different properties to those of commonly understood neutrinos. He is the head of the laboratory - department of 'Rhythms and fluctuations' at the Institute for the Study of the Nature of Time. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 scientific publications. He is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and a member of International Society for Condensed Mater Nuclear Science.The book is a tale of discovery and reason in which Dr. Alexander G. Parkhomov walks through fascinating aspects his unique life journey that lead him do discover a new type of penetrating radiation. This radiation permeates all space and is focused by cosmic influences into streams, that ultimately affects many processes occurring on the Earth.Discussing experience of mental control of matter, the book provides evidence of the presence of phenomena far beyond the current understanding of the scientific mainstream.This is not just a discussion of concepts, the book details the making of instruments and explains their scientific basis. These devices were used to prove the reality of this new radiation and address potential criticisms of its existence. Furthermore, he discusses specifically how to potentially synthesise this radiation and how it may be used to deliver, amongst other things, effectively unlimited energy, citing a specific common isotopic preference for this purpose. Dark matter research, from the time of its discovery, was really only of interest to astronomers, cosmologists and exotic scientists. In recent years however, after the accumulation of a 'critical mass' of knowledge, it has become clear that this is not just an elusive substance dissolved in an infinite universe, but that it is an important source of connections between space and the biosphere.We are accustomed to the fact that influencing the course of processes implies changing their speed or intensity. This is the basis for all modern technology. Apparently however, there is another type of process variability, which manifests itself in a change in the chaos and order of a systems behaviour; this can occur regardless of energy changes. Perhaps, searching in this direction will allow us to overcome the crisis in modern natural science and open the possibility of a new level of knowledge about the world in which we live.