Dutt, R. Radical Product Thinking (1523093315)
Iteration rules product development, but it isn't enough to produce dramatic results. This book champions Radical Product Thinking, a systematic methodology for building visionary, game-changing products.
Iteration is highly overrated. It's driven by the belief that if we iterate long enough, we cannot fail to build products that will truly change the world; in reality, iterations are only as visionary as the underlying solutions being tested and refined. Without a clear vision and strategy to drive the ideas you test and improve, products become bloated, fragmented, directionless, and driven by irrelevant metrics.
In Radial Product Thinking (RPT), product development is led by the vision for the change it's intended to create. It helps leaders reimagine the problems they face and align their team to find creative solutions using five elements: Vision, Strategy, Prioritization, Execution, and Culture. R. Dutt guides readers through these elements so they develop a clear process for achieving their desired change, incorporate it into daily activities, and turn RPT skills into muscle memory. Dutt also clarifies that readers don't have to be natural-born visionaries to produce extraordinary results.