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283,75 kr

DVD Lernkurs Behringer X-Touch und X32, Video Training (Download), *German language*, Interactive video tutorial for PC, Mac, and tablet, Behringer X-Touch for controlling X32 / M32 series digital mixers, Ideal for quick access to specific areas and functions (monitor mix, effects, etc.)., 3.5 Hours with video lessons, Important basics and setup, Updating firmware for X-Touch and mixer, Connection options in practice (MIDI, ethernet, WLAN), Basic functions, All areas of mixer control in detail (track, EQ, busses, FX, and more), Controlling the USB recorder, Automation, X-Touch and X-Live, Basics of DAW control (Steinberg Cubase, Ableton Live, Presonus Studio One)@+*Specifications:*@+@+, System requirements: Win7 or higher, Mac OSX 10.6 or higher, 1.6 GHz CPU, 0.5 GB RAM, 1920 x 1080 monitor, sound card