DVD Lernkurs Superior Drummer 3 Training
DVD Lernkurs Superior Drummer 3 Training, Video Course (Download), Superior Drummer 3 - The comprehensive video training, In German language, System requirements: Windows 7 or later, Mac OSX 10.6 or later, 1.6 GHz CPU, 0.5 GB RAM, 1920 x 1080 monitor, sound card@+*From the contents:*@+@+, Important basics of installation and interface, Use as an instrument for electric drum recordings, Creating realistic sounding drum patterns, Replacing drum sound recordings or enhancing them, Use of SDX libraries, All instrument features in detail, MIDI mapping / MIDI-in and electric drum settings, Working with the Mixer tab, Bleeding the individual instruments, Effects at a glance, Working with buses and single outputs, Drum replacement and editing recognised notes, Interplay of ""Velocity"" and ""Match with Sound"", Working with projects and presets, Settings in detail, Many more tips and tricks