DVD Lernkurs Wavelab 9.5 Praxistutorial
DVD Lernkurs Wavelab 9.5 Praxistutorial, Practical Tutorial (Download), German video training for Steinberg Wavelab 9.5 by Wolfgang Benke for PC, Mac and Tablet, Many practical examples for different applications, Including new features of Wavelab 9.5 (Pro and Elements), Contains presets for the PlugIn ""MasterRig""@+*From the contents:*@+@+, Important settings, Differences between Wavelab Pro and Elements, Basics of operation and user interface, Audio editing with Wavelab 9.5, Basic editing functiones, Project manager, Controlling Wavelab via MIDI, Spectral editing, Creative spectral sound design, Master section, RestoreRig, Simple audio CD, DDP player@+*Specifications:*@+@+, System requirements: Windows 7 or later, Mac OSX 10.6 or later, 1.6 GHz CPU, 0.5 GB RAM, 1920 x 1080 monitor, sound card