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Detta är den mest omfattande beskrivning av svensk arbetsrätt som har framställts på engelska under senare år. Arbetet ger läsaren en introduktion till svensk kollektiv och individuell arbetsrätt liksom vissa EG-rättsliga effekter på den svenska arbetsrätten. Efter en kort introduktion rörande svensk arbetsrätt, presenteras enskilda fall från rättspraxis; historisk bakgrund, gällande rätt och en sammanfattning av fakta och kommentarer kring fallet som behandlats. Många av fallen kan anses utgöra milstolpar i den svenska kollektiva och individuella arbetsrätten.Swedish Labour and Employment Law: Cases and Materials provides the reader with an orientation in labour and employment law in Sweden as well as certain of the effects of European Community law. After the introductory part providing an overview and background of Swedish labour and employment law, the second part of this work comprises cases. Each case is presented with an introductory note including a brief description of the historical setting and applicable legislation, a summary of the facts and arguments, with comments afterwards discussing the issues raised in the cases. Many of the cases included are seen as landmark cases in Swedish labour and employment law. The third part of this work includes several collective agreements regarded as significant on the Swedish labour market. Two of the primary statutes, the Joint Regulation Act and the Employment Protection Act, are also included in this work.