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1848,75 kr

EMG KH-BB Set, Pickup Set for Electric Guitar, Kirk Hammett (Metallica) Signature Set, Humbucker, Output: High, Light preamp changes and the combination of Alnico 5 and ceramic magnets take the classic Metallica tone and add some new elements, Equally suitable for distorted as well as clean sounds, Connections: Solderless, Magnetic material: (bar) ceramic - (neck) AlNiCo 5, Cap colour: Black, Made in USA@+*Delivery of EMG's exclusive solderless installation system:*@+@+, 2x 25k volume poti, 2x 25k tone poti (short poti shaft length: 10 mm), Battery bus, Stereo output jack, 2 Pickup In / Out Bus, 2 pairs of fixing screws and springs, 2x pickup cable, 4x connection cable, Output cable, Battery cable