“This is a true story” Fargo is a fantastic dark comedy-crime drama television series created and written by Noah Hawley and inspired by Joel & Ethan Coen's 1996 movie of the same name. Both Coen brothers serve as executive producers on the series. The show stars Martin Freeman (The Hobbit trilogy), Billy Bob Thornton, Bob Odenkirk (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul) and more. The soundtrack features selections from the show's original music composed by Jeff Russo (Power, Necessary Roughness, About Cherry). Its score is well done, with different motifs or instruments assigned to different characters. For Lester Nygaard (Martin Freeman's character) it's that nearly-whimsical main theme. For the drifter Lorne Malvo (Thornton's character) it's sleigh bell chimes that represent his animalistic nature coming out. This is a limited edition contains of 666 individually numbered copies on transparent green vinyl. The package includes an insert with pictures of the characters. “Did you know the human eye can see more shades of green than any other colour?” - Lorne Malvo