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Design Cutting-Edge Aided Navigation Systems for Advanced Commercial & Military Applications
Aided Navigation is a design-oriented textbook and guide to building aided navigation systems for smart cars, precision farming vehicles, smart weapons, unmanned aircraft, mobile robots, and other advanced applications. The navigation guide contains two parts explaining the essential theory, concepts, and tools, as well as the methodology in aided navigation case studies with sufficient detail to serve as the basis for application-oriented analysis and design.
Filled with detailed illustrations and examples, this expert design tool takes you step-by-step through coordinate systems, deterministic and stochastic modeling, optimal estimation, and navigation system design. Authoritative and comprehensive, Aided Navigation features:
Inside this Complete Guide to Designing Aided Navigation Systems
• Aided Navigation Theory: Introduction to Aided Navigation • Coordinate Systems • Deterministic Modeling • Stochastic Modeling • Optimal Estimation • Navigation System Design • Navigation Case Studies: Global Positioning System (GPS) • GPS-Aided Encoder • Attitude and Heading Reference System • GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation System (INS) • Acoustic Ranging and Doppler-Aided INS