Animated family adventure produced by DreamWorks Animation and Aardman Features and featuring the voices of Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian McKellen, and Jean Reno. Roddy (Jackman) is a decidedly upper-crust 'society mouse' who lives the life of a beloved pet in a posh Kensington flat. When a sewer rat called Sid (Shane Richie) comes spewing out of the sink and decides he's hit the jackpot, Roddy schemes to rid himself of the pest by luring him into the 'whirlpool'. Sid may be an ignorant slob, but he's no fool, so it is Roddy who winds up being flushed away into the bustling sewer world of Ratropolis. There Roddy meets Rita (Winslet), an enterprising scavenger who works the sewers in her faithful boat, the Jammy Dodger.