Food Wars!: Season 2 (UK-import)
All 13 episodes from the second season of the animated series based on the manga by Yuto Tsukuda. Since a young age Souma Yukihira (voice of Yoshitsugu Matsuoka)'s passion has been cooking, having worked as the sous chef in his father's restaurant. When his father decides to test his skills in establishments around the world he sends Souma to attend Tootsuki Culinary Academy. Infamous for its 'food wars' between students, and for the fact that only 10% of the students achieve graduation, the school is the next step in Souma's quest to be a legendary chef. In this series, Subaru Mimasaka (Hiroki Yasumoto) sets out to steal fellow competitors most precious kitchen tools, Souma struggles with his lack of knowledge with the finals looming and the students are sent off to gain experience in a practical environment. The episodes are: 'What Fills the Box', 'The Interplay of Light and Shadow', 'The Generation of Prodigies', 'The Pursuer', 'The Secret in the First Bite', 'Dawn Will Come Again', 'Beasts Devouring Each Other', 'Battle of Seasonality', 'A Sword That Signals Autumn', 'A New Genius', 'The Stagiaire', 'The Magician Once More' and 'Pomp and Circumstance'.