Foreman, Marquis Critical Care Nursing of Older Adults (0826110967)
In increasing numbers, geriatric patients are being treated in intensive and critical care, as well as by trauma and emergency departments. This book is an evidence-based, best-practices guide that directs the bedside care of critically ill elders by practicing ICU nurses in an area where the care needs and issues differ from those of younger adults. The elderly present special clinical challenges, since concomitant diseases complicate their management. The clinical section discusses major disorders arising in elder care, explains how to isolate the problem, and offers evidence-based practice suggestions and guidelines. The book also provides practical guidance on how to approach such complex management issues. Additionally, the book explores social and ethical issues that often arise when managing critically ill elders, such as the appropriateness of ICU treatment. It includes: evidence-based discussions of the key clinical problems faced by elderly patients in the critical care setting; a concise, but thorough review of nursing assessment methods; approaches that stress holistic treatment for elderly patients; tables and figures that summarize key concepts and protocols in the treatment and management of patients; and, discussion of social and public policy issues.