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A scoundrel has ruled over the continent's troubadours for the past three years, introducing scum and villainy into their ranks. Arn and Court Jester Sir Dinadan travel to France to set things right, while Prince Valiant accompanies the headstrong Gunther of Germany on his quest to recover stolen holy relics and claim a wife in Jerusalem. The mercenary army of a Persian warlord sweeps across the Middle East, forcing Queen Aleta to seek refuge in a hidden utopian city ruled by women. Val competes in tournaments in Marseille and Camelot and reunites with Sir Lancelot, but a tragic death impacts a member of Val's family. Plus: more dazzling commercial illustration work by Hal Foster. Fantagraphics' latest volume of the most lustrous fantasy strip ever conceived is the most spectacular presentation of the strip ever published. It continues to be one of our bestselling strip collections, hailed by fans and critics alike.