Fusion Lenzen, J. D. Paracord Fusion Ties, Volume 2: Survival Ties, Pouches, Bars, Snake Knots, & Sinnets (0985557834)
Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 2 (PFT-V2) is the second installment in the paracord fusion ties book series and another stunning achievement by author J.D. Lenzen. Like Paracord Fusion Ties Volume 1, PFT-V2 reveals innovative and stylish ways of storing paracord for later use. So once again you'll find crisp, clear, full-color photographs (over 950 in all ), coupled with succinctly written, easy to follow step-by-step instructions for bracelets, straps, and key fobs, as well as medallions and other storage ties that will keep your paracord on-hand and ready for deployment. Still PFT-V2 doesn't stop there It also provides directions for ties and techniques that represent the next level in paracording knowledge the making of practical paracord objects.
Primarily designed to provide survival and/or tactical advantages, practical paracord objects are in themselves useful.