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Two killers are hiding where no one will ever find them....behind their badges! Tupac Shakur (in his final film role) and James Belushi are two corrupt police detectives caught in a dangerous web of deceit in this gritty, smart and tough (CBS-TV) action thriller that will hold you in its grip from start to finish. Detectives Divinci (Belushi) and Rodriguez (Shakur) practice their own deadly brand of street justice: they set up drug deals, seize the money for themselves and then murder the dealers. It's a lucrative racket that has worked without a hitch for months. But when they discover their latest victim was an undercover officer with the Drug Enforcement Agency, the two corrupt cops are forced to initiate a dangerous scheme to save their own lives. And as their foolproof plan begins to spiral out of control, Divinci and Rodrigues are trapped in a tornado of suspicion, betrayal and murder in which they can trust no one.....not even each other.