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The world is in agony, the three pillars of a healthy society: the profound faith in God and aspiration for His Love and Wisdom; the submission to the spiritual authority; respect for parents and teachers, are all broken, and we witness a sombre concert, a devilish harmony between the receivers and the givers, because priests, parents and teachers are also 'broken', not all of them, not yet (which is why the world still exists), and then, we have the frauds, the false prophets who call themselves heroes and saviours, when in fact they are tools of the counter-initiatory forces. What our world lacks is the Traditional Spirit. Ren Gu non revealed the essence in a unique manner and warned that, without recovering this Traditional Spirit, the world will end, sooner or later. We decided to organize our last books under the authority of 'Ren Gu non and the Traditional Spirit' and publish three works: A View of the Center, The Center and the World, and The Quest for the Center; there is a fourth volume, because traditionally, as we have already underlined in another work, when we have 3 there is also a 4th, a volume already published and called Money: The Evil Eye. All of them strive to rekindle the Traditional Spirit and are written following the advice of Saint Symeon the Metaphrast: 'It is not right to leave his words the words of Saint John Chrysostom] and say mine,' because we, as author, are nothing in face of Tradition and its wise exponents.