Grabovoi, Grigori The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The action of the Spirit, developing controlling clairvoyance for ensuring eternal life. (1095975730)
The text of the work was first created by Grigori Grabovoi during the webinar the 10th of December 2015. When creating the webinar the method of eternal development with the exact forecasting of future events was applied. 100% confirmation of forecasts made by Grigori Grabovoi is proved in protocols and certificates, published in 3-volume edition 'Practice of control. Way of salvation'. The webinar, based on clairvoyance control, examines the various characteristics of the spirit that ensure eternal life.The picture used in the design of the cover is an author's picture of Grigori Grabovoi from his book of images 'Manifestations of Eternity'. Foreshortening of images, in this book, fills you with eternity.