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Accelerating profitable growth has been one of the long-standing challenges of business executives. Even today, with stock markets booming and M&A activity returning to record levels, organic growth is anemic for many companies. In our experience, the root cause is a lack of strategy in the organization's thinking, planning, and marketing. Many successful business leaders have built their careers on execution and efficiency but have relatively little experience making the strategic decisions that drive the top line. Lean, Six Sigma, and other efficiency-focused methodologies are fantastic at answering questions around how to do things better, but they are not suited to answer strategic questions around what they should do and why.

Through our experience, we realized that there are a set of core principles and frameworks that can improve, sometimes dramatically, the selection and targeting of growth opportunities and importantly, turn good ideas into good businesses quickly and with more confidence. Over time we realized that there was nothing magical in the concepts we were using in our work. We do not claim to be mystical seers interpreting some strategy oracle that only we can understand. And that became our mission: to teach capable people at all levels of an organization how to apply strategic concepts themselves.

There are significant advantages to embedding strategic thinking capabilities throughout the organization.
1. Some of the best organic growth ideas bubble up from lower levels of the organization.
2. Embedding strategic thinking skills creates a more discerning audience for top-down initiatives.
3. Leveraging this process over time will groom the next generation of general managers for success
4. Building organizational strategic capabilities can be a real differentiator in the B2B world.

To accomplish this we developed Grassroots Strategy, a seminar-based approach that teaches good strategic thinking by having the participants apply what they're learning to actual challenges confronting their business. This book walks through the approach and concepts that we teach and apply during those seminars.
The title of this book speaks to our perspective on strategy. The best strategies are not dictated from an 'ivory tower.' Rather, they are firmly rooted in the reality of the market and leverage the cross-functional experience and intelligence of the entire organization. And once they take root, these strategic principles not only lead to better targeted growth initiatives, they provide the healthy foundation that is needed for a growth culture to thrive.

Throughout this book we take readers from strategy apprentice to journeyman strategic thinker. We will show you how to apply proven strategy concepts and tools within a framework that enables their use. With diligence and discipline, this process will separate the best growth ideas from the