Guilt is a British/American mystery drama television series that premiered on Freeform on June 13, 2016. The series was created by Kathryn Price and Nichole Millard, and produced by Lionsgate Television and Freeform Original Productions. ABC Family gave a pilot order in June 2015, and picked the show up to series in November 2015. Daisy Head stars as Grace Atwood, an American student in London whose roommate, Molly Ryan, is murdered. As people begin suspecting her, they start to accuse her of the crime. The show features an ensemble cast with Head as Grace Atwood, Emily Tremaine as Grace's sister, Billy Zane as the defense lawyer hired to protect Grace, Cristian Solimeno and Naomi Ryan as two members of the police, Sam Cassidy as a member of the British Royal Family, Simona Brown and Zachary Fall as acquaintances of Grace, and Kevin Ryan as Molly Ryan's brother