Harding, Mariann M. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing - 2-Volume Set (0323677045)
Get a unique, conceptual approach to nursing care in this rapidly-changing healthcare environment. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing, 11th Edition gives you a solid foundation in medical-surgical nursing. This thoroughly revised text includes an increased focus on nursing concepts, strong evidence-based content, coverage of clinical trends, and an essential pathophysiology review. Content is presented in a readable format and covers every unique approach to nursing care including health promotion, acute intervention, and ambulatory care. A variety of helpful boxes and tables make it easy for you to find essential information and a building-block approach throughout make even the most complex concepts simple to grasp. Key topics such as interprofessional care, delegation, safety, and prioritization are integrated throughout. Additionally, extensive drug therapy information and diagnostic studies tables help give you a full picture of care. Best of all - a complete collection of learning and study resources helps you learn more effectively and offers valuable, real-world preparation for clinical practice. Content written and reviewed by leading experts in the field ensures that information is comprehensive, current, and clinically accurate. Interprofessional Care tables and sections in all management chapters emphasize the importance of total patient care in today's health care settings and outline the role of each provider in managing disorders. Bridge to NCLEX Examination review questions at the end of each chapter reinforce key content while helping you to prepare for the NCLEX examination with both standard and alternate item format questions. Check Your Practice boxes challenge you to think critically and interact with patient data. Informatics in Practice boxes discuss how technology is used by nurses and patients in healthcare settings. Evidence-based practice boxes help you understand how to apply the latest research to real-life patient care. Safety Alerts throughout the book highlight patient safety issues and focus on the latest National Patient Safety Goals. UNIQUE! Nursing management is presented in a consistent and comprehensive format, addressing the unique approaches to nursing care. Case studies throughout text emphasize prioritization, delegation, and concept mapping to help you learn to prioritize and delegate patient care. Separate chapter on Genetics focuses on practical application to nursing care of patients. Genetics in Clinical Practice boxes cover key topics such as genetic testing, Alzheimer's disease, sickle cell disease, and genetics-related ethics issues. Genetic Risk alerts and Genetic Link headings highlight specific genetic issues related to body system assessments and disorders. Ethical/Legal Dilemmas boxes promote critical thinking for timely and sensitive ethical and legal issues. Pathophysiology Map flow charts make it easier for you to visualize and understand changes occurring in maj